Was excited but nervous too, the feeling when u approached your very first crush…little scared, little tense…wondering what would b the outcome…will it be yes or NO??, do I have all that need… Y cant I concentrate, Y don’t I feel hungry, Y I am always lost , Y ur thought always hunt me.. Y do I see you in others, Y do u appear between the mist of open & closed eye?????????????
Got to take a decision….even if its NO … got to try before its late…at least , I can say
“I tried……”
And yes, I tried, and tried, and tried (infinite time)… all I had was little hope and lot of worries, anxiety, fear…..day and night seems to be one…was running from pillar to post..just for that vision… every step made me more positive… As the day past, her every glimpse become sharp and shaper...
Guess what, It was YES!
Here I was ,holding her tight…..My first babe!